Portland Dahlia Society Trial Garden
Located at Swan Island Dahlia Farm in Canby Oregon
about 10 miles from Portland, Oregon
The Portland Dahlia Society started the trial garden in 2003 and it was approved as an official trial
garden of the American Dahlia Society for the 2005 growing season. The Trial Garden Director is
Senior Judge Bill Mishler (360-225-8925) who resides some 50 or so miles away in Woodland,
Washington. The Swan Island Dahlia farm has donated the space and the labor to water, fertilize
and weed the garden which is located adjacent to their show gardens. The Portland Dahlia Society
is very appreciative of the hard work done by the Gitts family in this endeavor.

In this 2006 growing season, there were about 30 entries.

Below are  pictures of the entries followed by some pictures of the garden. I will post the names of
the flowers when I get a list from Mr. Mishler. Pictures taken by Ted Kennedy.
2006 Pictures
of Entries